Behaviour View
Behavioural Change Management

Behaviour View
Behavioural Change Management
A Behaviour Change Management solution using Gamification techniques.
Driving not only behaviour change, but in turn that behaviour change leads to improved performance and profitability, resulting in better results for your Customers and your organisation.
Used in over 52 countries worldwide by global automotive, telecommunication, hardware and software supplies, internet security and hospitality and leisure across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and Middle East.
- Leading computer manufacturer: increase in sales of 38.2% over 3 months.
- International automotive OEM: increase in customer paid parts sales of 9.1% in a year.
- Anti-virus software sales in retail channel: increase in sales of 27.4% over 6 months.
- Change management solution.
- Relies on using gamification techniques to drive positive behaviours and/or adoption of corrective interventions.
- Provides rewards dashboards and incentives for staff.
- Staff have access to rewards and dashboards online or via mobile.
- Rewards change by regions or countries.